Work has progressed on fitting the controls to the new injector steam valves on FR 20. It has been possible to fit the right hand control through an existing hole in the cab spectacle plate but for some reason a new hole was required on the left hand side which was drilled by Sam.
Phil is still working his way towards fitting the panels on Fluff‘s engine compartment.
Ade has been fitting felt pads to Caliban‘s axlebox keeps. He managed to find some horse hair to provide extra cushioning under the pads, which saved the need for him to cut off his own locks!
Paul Newton is now in the final stages of restoring the former L&NWR platform seat from Preston station.
Ron has been cutting out more corroded steel from Wootton Hall‘s tender tank.
Keith has completed the assembly of Wootton Hall’s tender vacuum cylinder and it is being set up for a test.
Finally, the Annual General Meeting will be held this year at the FRT shed at Preston at 7.30 pm on Tuesday evening, 28th September; please put this in your diary. The formal invitations to members will go out with the latest edition of The Iron Horse magazine, which is now in production with the proofs being returned to the printer last week.