Monday 19th August 2024

It has been a case of more of the same as far as work as Preston was concerned this last week. Jon Dixon and Tim have made progress with the exterior redecoration of the mess room, with the roof almost finished and the east facing side receiving both undercoat and gloss finishes courtesy of some unexpected sunshine.

Keith cuts some new steel plate for 5643 and 4979There was some disappointment on Thursday when the air drill being used to ream out the stay holes on Great Western Railway No. 5643’s firebox didn’t live up to the task. A new drill is being sought for this next week. However, there has been further progress with the cleaning of 5643’s rear water tanks where some two-part epoxy paint will be applied. A coat of bitumastic paint has been painted inside the bunker. Keith has been cutting up steel plate to fit in both 5643’s rear water tank and also 4979’s tender so there will be plenty of work for our welder to do.

Live Steam at the Engine Inn on the 17th August 2024Finally, Live Steam had a successful gig at the Engine Inn at Cark-in-Cartmel on Saturday evening, although it was not without incident. Three police vans appeared in the usually sleepy village to attend to a couple of members of the audience who had been ejected for unruly behaviour. Although it is said that they had paid to hire a holiday cottage in the village, it wasn’t required that night as we hear they were given alternative accommodation courtesy of Cumbria Police!

Monday 12th August 2024

Plenty of people turned up to see FR 20 hauling the trains at Preston on Saturday, 10th August.Furness Railway locomotive No. 20 returned to Preston from its slightly extended seaside holiday at Minehead at 9.30 pm on Wednesday evening and was unloaded the following day. There was just time therefore on Friday to put back guard irons, sand pipes and other equipment as well as give it a thorough inspection and clean before it re-entered service on the Ribble Steam Railway on Saturday. Thanks go to Sam, Alan, John and Jack for their help and contributions to ensuring that FR 20 looked sparkling for those who came to ride behind it.

Ed giving the photograher a dirty lookWork continues on the overhaul at Preston of Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643 where Ed has been cleaning out the tanks, a dirty job as you can see from the photographs. Needless to say, he was then accused of giving everyone black looks!

John Dixon warming up the rivets on Thursday, 8th JulyThursday saw Chris Rycroft, John Dixon and Keith riveting some new steel angle to the frames under where the bunker is situated. John is seen warming up the rivets…

The rivets in place……which can then be seen securely in position.

Keith preparing some more holes for rivetingSome more riveting is still required and Keith is seen here preparing the holes with a drill. The new steel angle can also be seen in situ.

Sim painting the mess room roofFinally, Sim and Tim have continued their work on the repaint of the mess room, with Sim seen here giving the roof a coat of paint.

Monday 5th August 2024

After a break of a week for holidays (and what good weather!) we are back with another short update.

The main event this week at Preston was the removal of the first of the two cylinder liners from Great Western Railway 0-6-2T No. 5643 by Ian Massey. Ian has promised to reappear in a couple of weeks to remove the second cylinder liner.

More progress has been made by Jon and Sim on the seemingly never-ending job of cleaning and painting the mess room roof. It is to be hoped that the weather stays fair this week for more work on this project.

Furness Railway No. 20 has featured in the latest edition of Heritage Railway magazine with some photographs taken during its recent stay at Minehead. A lovely letter has been received from Andy Palk, the Running Foreman at Minehead, thanking everyone from the FRT who assisted at Minehead for their help. In Andy’s words, “FR 20 did the West Somerset Railway proud for their 150 event.” Two Manchester built locos a mere 99 years different in age
We couldn’t resist this extra photo of our own from the event – two Manchester built locos, but D7017 is a mere 99 years younger than FR20!
FR20 is due to arrive back at Preston on Wednesday or Thursday this week and is scheduled to operate the Ribble Steam Railway service this Saturday.

Finally, the latest edition of the FRT magazine, The Iron Horse, is in the process of being distributed to members along with the Trustees’ Annual Report and Accounts for 2023 and an invitation to the Annual General Meeting which is to be held at 7.30 pm om Wednesday, 18th September in the FRT shed at Preston.