We’ve arrived at the end of the first month of the year already, but with some excellent progress achieved on the FRT’s current projects.
Ade has spent time this week adjusting Caliban’s brake blocks to enable a better fit on the wheels,
Ron Crowe is seen here setting up the drill in order to put some holes in brass flanges for Wootton Hall.
John Dixon has completed the final repairs to the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5 which is now clear of all obstructions and ready for painting. Phil Bell has finished splicing new wood into the damaged areas of the wooden canvas retaining strips that run at cantrail height along the coach.
One of the final roof jobs to be undertaken is the repair of the gas lamp housings. Seven of the eight housings require a visit to the FRT’s very own Repair Shop where Tim has been attending to the ‘tin worm’ – the first of the housings is seen here on Friday before and after treatment.
Mike Rigg and Tim paid a visit to St. Annes last Tuesday to assist Vernon Smith with an investigation into the health of the FRT’s sales trailer which has been standing unused in a leaking garage for some years. Some of the sales stock has been removed to Preston whilst some old books and magazines are now destined for recycling, being deemed to damp to retrieve. The trailer, although suffering from a couple of flat tyres, is still capable of further use and the Trustees have decided to offer it for sale for a reasonable sum to anyone who might have a use for it. The trailer is 8 feet by 4 feet internally and comes with a cover. Please let Tim know if you are interested.
Finally, we are pleased to be able to report that the FRT’s ‘Austerity’ 0-6-0ST Cumbria passed its cold boiler exam last Monday. As previously arranged with the staff at Embsay, the safety valves and the combined blower/sander control casting have been sent away for some fettling, the latter unable to shut off the sanders.