Work has continued to progress well on the overhaul of Great Eastern Railway Royal Saloon No. 5. Having received the moquette for the chaise longue, it is now time to choose the rest of the material that will adorn the inside of the saloons and corridor below the windows. The first of the fabric samples have been received and examined. Naturally, the current preferred choice seems to be the most expensive! Meanwhile, Tim has been applying the final coat of vanish to the exterior of the vehicle.
There will soon be a need to re-fit the exterior fittings so John Dixon and Fred set about cleaning and polishing the door knobs and handles on Friday.
Work has also continued on Wootton Hall where Keith has been removing some very stubborn brackets from the insides of the engine’s frames. John Dixon has also been continuing his Saturday job of repairing Caliban’s cab.
The weekend saw the operation of Ribble Steam Railway’s very successful Steam Gala which featured five steam locomotives including Furness Railway No. 20 and visiting L&Y ‘Pug’ No. 19. The latter will depart Preston on Wednesday after its month-long stay at the RSR.
Finally, this next Friday evening Live Steam are appearing once again at the Engine Inn, Cark-in-Cartmel, starting at 8.30 pm. With Alan unavailable on Saturday, Tim and Pete will then perform as a duo for the exhibitors of the Barrow Model Railway Exhibition at the Ulverston Brewery Company on Saturday evening.