Monday 7th February 2022

There has been further progress on the overhaul of Great Eastern Railway Royal Saloon No. 5 in the last week. The roof received a coat of grey primer on Wednesday, in readiness for the new canvas to be laid on the roof. John Dixon with upper and lower sections of one of GER 5's gas lamp housingsThe gas lamp housings have received further attention with John Dixon seen here marrying a restored top to the lower turret section which inserts through the roof from below. Like the upper element of the housing, the turrets are also in need of repairs, which are now in hand.

John Davis removing paint from GER 5's corridor ceilingInside the coach John Davis has been removing old paint from the corridor ceiling.

Fred removing paint from one of the rain stripsFred has continued with the job of removing paint from the roof rain strips.

Roger giving Fluff's horn a coat of paintElsewhere, Roger is seen giving Fluff‘s horn a coat of paint. Keith has been making lots of noise inside Wootton Hall’s tender tank and finding a few additional holes in the process! Ade has also been competing for noise levels whilst modifying Caliban’s brake blocks.

Matt Anderson at Embsay has provided an update on some of the running repairs that are being undertaken on Cumbria during its period out of traffic whilst undergoing its statutory boiler examination:

old and new start platesNew star plates have been made and fitted to the big ends; the previous star plates had come to the end of their lives and were allowing the big end wedge bolt to loosen when in service.Newly fitted star plate

New taper pin in fireman's side water valveA new taper pin has been fitted to the fireman’s side injector water handle.

New and old smokebox door cross barsThe smokebox door cross bar has been replaced after the original had become warped.

Cumbria's smokebox door receiving attentionThe smokebox door has been removed and is seen being sanded down by Embsay’s chairman, Rob Shaw, before being given a fresh coat of paint.

Finally, one of the cab windows has been repaired and the windows have been made to fit properly.

Thanks to Matt for the above detail and for the photos.

Finally, last Thursday Keith delivered 5643’s valves to Tyseley Locomotive works in readiness for new rings to be fitted once the valve liners have been re-bored. Keith is heading to Bury this next Thursday where a working party will take place to split the crossheads and remove the pistons for examination.

Monday 31st January 2022

We’ve arrived at the end of the first month of the year already, but with some excellent progress achieved on the FRT’s current projects.

Ade adjusting Caliban's brake blocksAde has spent time this week adjusting Caliban’s brake blocks to enable a better fit on the wheels,

Ron Crowe setting up the drillRon Crowe is seen here setting up the drill in order to put some holes in brass flanges for Wootton Hall.

GER No. 5's roof, now repaired and clear of all obstructionsJohn Dixon has completed the final repairs to the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5 which is now clear of all obstructions and ready for painting. Phil Bell has finished splicing new wood into the damaged areas of the wooden canvas retaining strips that run at cantrail height along the coach.

Gas lamp housing before repairOne of the final roof jobs to be undertaken is the repair of the gas lamp housings. Seven of the eight housings require a visit to the FRT’s very own Repair Shop where Tim has been attending to the ‘tin worm’ – the first of the housings is seen here on Friday before and after treatment.Gas lamp housing after repair

Mike Rigg and Tim paid a visit to St. Annes last Tuesday to assist Vernon Smith with an investigation into the health of the FRT’s sales trailer which has been standing unused in a leaking garage for some years. Some of the sales stock has been removed to Preston whilst some old books and magazines are now destined for recycling, being deemed to damp to retrieve. The trailer, although suffering from a couple of flat tyres, is still capable of further use and the Trustees have decided to offer it for sale for a reasonable sum to anyone who might have a use for it. The trailer is 8 feet by 4 feet internally and comes with a cover. Please let Tim know if you are interested.

Finally, we are pleased to be able to report that the FRT’s ‘Austerity’ 0-6-0ST Cumbria passed its cold boiler exam last Monday. As previously arranged with the staff at Embsay, the safety valves and the combined blower/sander control casting have been sent away for some fettling, the latter unable to shut off the sanders.

Monday 24th January 2022

Yet another busy week at the workface to report.

Last Tuesday another working party took place at Bury and 5643’s valves were duly delivered by Keith to the FRT shed on Wednesday morning. It is expected that these will be delivered to Tyseley shortly for new rings to be fitted once the re-bore of the valve liners has taken place at the end of the month.

John Dixon repairing the roof of GER 5John Dixon has been undertaking final repairs to the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5.

Down below, Tim has been filling and sanding the old, recently plugged, screw holes in the wooden side canvas retaining strips.

Phil Bell drilling new screw holes in the wooden roof canvas retaining stripsMeanwhile Phil has been busy drilling more screw holes in them!

John Davis cleaning paint off the gas lamp housingsJohn Davis has been cleaning paint off the gas lamp housings.

Roger cleaning the gas lamp housing rimsRoger has been cleaning the gas lamp housing rims.

The stripped roof of GER No. 5 ready for paintingThe roof is now totally stripped and a coat of primer is planned over the coming week.

Keith cleaning inside Wootton Hall's tender tankThe damp inside Wootton Hall’s tender tank has dissipated now that it is situated inside the heated shed. Keith has been cleaning out the inside of the tank in preparation for welding repairs.

The bottom angle on Wootton Hall's tender tank receiving attentionOn the outside of the tank. Tim has been cleaning corrosion on the bottom angle of the tank and filling and sanding where necessary.

One of Caliban's brake blocks which will need machiningFinally, Ade has been assembling the brake gear on Caliban and has found that the brake blocks now need machining to give a good fit following the tyre turning that took place many years ago.

Monday 17th January 2022

We start this week’s blog with the sad news that life member Tommy Rawlings of Lancaster passed away suddenly last Wednesday aged 80. Tommy was a regular attendee of working parties at Haverthwaite in the early years of the Lakeside Railway Society and very much a larger than life character who will be fondly  remembered by those that knew him. Tommy worked with Royal Mail for many years and then, on early retirement, followed his father in becoming a coach driver. There are as yet no funeral details pending a post mortem examination. We offer our sincere condolences to Tommy’s wife, Margaret, son John and daughter Wendy.

We do also have some happier news – FRT Trustee Jim Kay married Jean last Monday. We are told that it was not a ‘shotgun wedding’, even though they wore masks!?! We wish Jim and Jean the very best for a long and happy marriage.

Sam Middleton busy with a jack at BuryBack to current activities and we can report that a successful working party was held at Bury last Tuesday to prepare 5643 for the re-bore of its valve liners, which is due to take place at the end of this month.

5643 at Bury minus bufferbeamAs can be seen, it has been necessary to remove the front buffer beam.

John Dixon, Sam Middleton, Keith Brewer and Ade Tomkinson with 5643 at BuryJohn Dixon, Sam Middleton, Keith Brewer and Adrian Tomkinson pose for the camera, which appears to have been ‘photo bombed’ by the gas cylinders.

5643 has also undergone its last cold boiler exam before its ten year boiler certificate expires at the end of the year. Arrangements are being made to renew a couple of stays which are relatively easy to access on the backhead of the boiler.

Back at Preston we are sorry to have to report that Anne Burton, who has been working on the upholstery on Royal Saloon GER No. 5,  has suffered a broken arm when slipping on mud whilst out walking. We wish her a speedy recovery. The old lincrusta wallpaper discovered in GER No. 5Meanwhile John Dixon has uncovered some lincrusta wallpaper on the ceiling of the kitchen compartment in GER No. 5 whilst removing the water tank. It was suggested that this may be an opportunity to reinstate the lincrusta, but it has to be said that John didn’t seem too keen on reviving his lincrusta papering skills  that he learned when the North London Railway carriage was restored at Appleby!

Finally, it is confirmed that Furness Railway locomotive No. 20 will be visiting the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre to appear at its Spring Steam Gala on Sunday, 1st and Monday, 2nd May this year.

Monday 10th January 2022

A belated Happy New Year to all our readers.

There has been no blog for two weeks so there is plenty to report.

The most notable occurrence has been the fitting of Wootton Hall’s tender tank to its chassis last Wednesday. A hi-ab had been procured for the morning to undertake a number of jobs around the RSR’s site and the tender tank was number two on the list.

Up she goesThe tanks was lifted from supporting blocks.

In comes the chassisThen the Ribble Rail lads ensured that the tender chassis was quickly moved underneath.

Down goes the tankThe fitting went every smoothly and the whole job was completed safely in less than 15 minutes. Well done to all.

Keith fitting temporary boltsOnce back inside the shed Keith was busy fitting temporary bolts to hold down the tank.

Caitlin stripping rain stripsThere has been good progress with GER Royal Saloon GER No. 5. Neil and Caitlin came in on the 31st December, Neil to clean the inside of the coach of debris deposited when items were removed from the roof, and Caitlin to strip paint from roof rain strips.

Phil Burton sets up his planerRemoving paint from the wooden side retaining strips has also devoured a great deal of time with Phil Burton seen here setting up a planing machine to clean the straight edges.

John Davis removing paint from retaining stripMeanwhile John Davis used a heat gun on the process.

The corroded gas lamp housingsThe gas lamp housings are being cleaned up by Ed and the corrosion revealed now needs some attention as can be seen here.

Phil Bell plugging old screw holes in the wood retaining piecesPhil Bell has been employed making plugs to fill old screw holes in the retaining strips. Meanwhile Tim has completed the sanding of the roof boards.

Ade cleaning Caliban's chassisNow that Caliban has been lowered on to its wheels, Ade has been undertaking some early spring cleaning.

Sam with the results of excavations in Alan's garageAlan has been emptying his garage and has located some of Caliban’s brass items which Sam brought in for cleaning and storage. Alan and Sam have also been taking measurements of Caliban’s smokebox in order that a quote for a replacement can be obtained.

Finally, Live Steam carried out their New Year’s Eve engagement at the Engine Inn at Cark-in-Cartmel earning the FRT some welcome funds.

A working party is being held tomorrow, Tuesday, to strip the valves from 5643 in anticipation of a re-bore that is due to take place at the end of the month.

A further rearrangement of rolling stock is expected on Wednesday when FR 20 will be brought over the pit in the main shed to enable Alan and Sam to give further attention to the right hand little end.

Monday 20th December 2021

Here we are, last blog of the year!

Wootton Hall's tender chassis in daylight during the shed on Wednesday, 15th December.Christmas may well be nearly upon us but that hasn’t stopped work in the FRT shed. The major happening last Wednesday was a pre-Christmas shunt of the shed which moved Wootton Hall’s tender chassis to the front of the heated section of the shed. It can be seen here making its first appearance in daylight since being re-wheeled earlier in the year. There is a plan to fit the tender tank on top of the chassis on Wednesday, 5th January, hence the need to move it nearer to the shed entrance.

Keith with a tricky piece of metalwork for Wootton Hall's claddingKeith has continued to work on Wootton Hall‘s boiler cladding, making up some of the more difficult (origami?!) pieces around the front of the firebox which bend in various planes.

John Dixon removes one of the end pieces from GER No. 5The last of the bonding compound that held the previous canvas in place has now been removed from the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5, and the aforementioned shunt allowed the hydraulic platform to be positioned at the west end of the vehicle to allow the end pieces of wood that hold the canvas in place to be removed.

Phil Burton cleans paint from the roof rain strips for GER No. 5Phil Burton has been removing old paint from the roof rain strips from GER No. 5.

Fred paints the torpedo vents for GER No. 5Fred, having previously cleaned the paint off the torpedo vents, has commenced the task of adding new paint.

John Davis paints Fluff's cabJohn Davis continued his quest to paint every nook and cranny in Fluff‘s cab.

Roger services and cleans the fire pumpRoger spent Friday giving the fire pump a 300 gallon service and clean, in readiness for its next use.

Looking forward, working parties are planned for Wednesday and Friday this week, but the Saturday working party has been cancelled for some reason. (Yes, they all deserve Christmas day off! Ed.) Working parties will resume as normal next Wednesday and Friday (29th and 31st) but will not take place on Saturday, 1st January.

Our folk group, Live Steam, having finished playing Christmas songs and carols for the RSR’s Santa Specials, are planning to perform at the Engine Inn, Cark-in-Cartmel on New Year’s Eve, as long as there are no changes in the Government restrictions by then.

We conclude by wishing  all our readers a very enjoyable and peaceful Christmas!

Monday 13th December 2021

Ade lowering Caliban on 8.12.21A milestone in the overhaul of Caliban was reached on Wednesday when Ade, with assistance from Alan, finally lowered the chassis back onto its wheels. Caliban back on its wheelsJust for the record, the operation went very smoothly with no problems in lining up the axleboxes – for once! Well done!

Virtually all the previous canvas bonding compound has been removed from the roof of GER No. 5, with just a narrow strip on the south side to be tackled. The new canvas and bonding paste arrived last Wednesday so we look forward to seeing that laid on the roof in the New Year, once the roof has been sanded and received a coat of primer.

Fluff's controls laid out for paintingSome of Fluff‘s cab controls have been cleaned up and have been laid out ready for painting.

Keith tapping a hole in Wootton Hall's claddingWork on Wootton Hall has continued with Keith seen here tapping a hole in the cladding, most of which has now been fitted. Current status of Wootton Hall's claddingThere remain the tricky items to fabricate and fit around the front corners of the firebox.

Talking things Great Western, there’s been another stunning photo of 5643 on the East Lancashire Railway…

Finally, the latest edition of The Iron Horse has been proof read and despatched back to the printer so, hopefully, you will all receive your copy in time for Christmas.

Monday 6th December 2021

Already it’s the last month of the year – how have we got here so quickly?!

Tim and Phil Burton at work on GER No. 5There was a real push this last week to clear the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5 from the bonding compound that had held down the previous canvas. It has been a long job with around 500 square feet of wood to clean, heat guns and scrapers being the most efficient method. Phil Burton scraping away the old canvas bonding compound . Progress can clearly be seen.Phil Burton (seen here), Ed, Paul Balshaw, John Dixon and Tim have all spent time on the job this week and we are now on the last lap. It will then be necessary to sand down the wood and apply a coat of primer before tackling the job of fitting the new canvas.

Ade in the process of lowering Caliban's frames still furtherAde has managed to spend some more time on Caliban when not shunting Christmas coaches for the RSR. He is seen here lowering Caliban‘s frames closer towards the axleboxes.

Phil Bell reaming out a hole for the taper pin to hold Fluff's right hand coupling rod in placePhil Bell and John Davis have still been finding work to do on Fluff with Phil reaming out a hole for one of the taper pins that holds the right hand coupling rod in position.

Keith riveting a boiler band cleatKeith is still working on the boiler cladding for Wootton Hall and has been riveting the end cleats to the boiler bands.

John Dixon working on the new gas bottle cageThe new cage for the gas bottles has not been forgotten and John Dixon has been progressing with this project when not working on GER No. 5’s roof.

A one man orchestraFinally, whether we like it or not, the festive period has most definitely arrived with Keith and Ade driving the RSR’s Santa trains over the weekend. Given the current Covid situation, it was agreed that Alan and Tim would this year play Christmas songs and carols at the entrance to the museum rather than on the trains. Alan is seen here using a kazoo to add to the sound, with err a mixed reception!?!

Monday 29th November 2021

Another short update this week – but that doesn’t mean that nothing has been happening.

Jon Dixon, Alan and Neil Glover during FR 20's boiler wash out on Wednesday, 24th November 2021The main news is that a washout of FR 20’s boiler was successfully carried out last Wednesday, the first to be undertaken using the Coventry Climax fire pump that was purchased just before the first lock down. Former members Jon Dixon and Neil Glover, who are used to dealing with fire pumps, came to give us a hand and, after setting everything up carefully, everything worked and went to plan! (How did that happen, you may ask?!!) The photo shows Jon aiming the water into a plug hole in FR 20’s front tubeplate whilst Neil controls the fire pump and Alan inspects the colour of the water running out of the firebox plug holes. The purpose of using the fire pump is that it can deliver water into the boiler at a far greater pressure than from the mains and so be more efficient in removing sludge and scale. The big question that needed answering was whether the pump would be able to lift the feed water from the tender tank through the suction hoses; the answer was a very positive yes. We are grateful to Jon and Neil for their assistance and hope that Jon managed to clean himself up after managing to get himself covered in a mixture of soot and water!

There was progress with Caliban and Fluff during the week, while John Dixon, Ed and Tim made further inroads into removing the previous bonding paste from the roof of GER Royal Saloon No. 5. Also, Keith managed to fit Wootton Hall‘s tender vacuum cylinder into place.

Both GWR 0-6-2T 5643 and ‘Austerity’ 0-6-0ST Cumbria were due to haul trains at Bury and Embsay respectively over the weekend and we are pleased to be able to include some seasonal photos of Cumbria in action courtesy of Matt Anderson of the Embsay & Bolton Abbey Steam Railway……

… and to share again (we did already on the FRT Twitter account) this lovely picture of 5643.5643 Credit Liam Barnes

Finally, Alan informs us that the latest edition of The Iron Horse magazine is ready to go to the printer and, all being well, the aim is to post it out to members before Christmas.

Monday 22nd November 2021

A short update this week.

John DAvis jacks up Fluff whilst Phil Bell adjusts the wheels to accept the rods.Phil Bell and John Davis made further progress with Fluff by re-fitting the rods, which went back on with little bother once the wheels had been lined up. We still await the new cab roof and there are no doubt many other jobs to complete.

John Dixon chips away at the roof bonding compound on GER No. 5Should John and Phil ever run out of work, we can surely point them towards the roof of GER No.5 where, having removed the lamp housings, vents, conduit and canvas, there is now the tedious task of removing the canvas bonding compound, some of which is resolutely stuck fast to the wooden roof planks. Ed and John Dixon have made a start but it seems that heat guns are the solution to the problem.

Alan admiring his modified nozzleWith the fire pump now in operational order, we are now looking towards what we need to do to use it to conduct a high pressure boiler wash out. In advance of a gathering this next Wednesday to progress the project, Alan has come up with a modified hose branch which should manage to aim the water to all the required nooks and crannies on FR 20’s boiler. With the right hand piston rod cotter adjustments now completed we will be able to move the loco outside the shed with the first job being to drop the existing water in the boiler.