About us
Vintage Train
Live Steam
Crest of the Furness Railway Trust


Registered Charity 1163073

Thank you for enquiring about how to join the Furness Railway Trust!

By joining the FRT, you become part of  one of the leading charities in heritage railways. We own an enviable collection of steam locomotives, we are assembling what will be an unrivalled vintage train and our members are involved in restoring, overhauling, maintaining and running our fleet. 

By becoming a member, your subscription will immediately help us financially with our current projects.  If you are a taxpayer, please Gift Aid your subscription, which means that we can claim back the tax you have already paid on your subscription, meaning it's worth more to us at no extra cost to you!

We have many armchair members who are content that they are helping to do their bit, and we are very grateful for their help. 

But membership is also the first essential step to becoming an active volunteer with the Furness Railway Trust. The wide range of volunteering opportunities means there is something for everyone, and ask any FRT volunteer - we have a great time! There is a real cameraderie, laughs are aplenty, and there's the satisfaction of making a real contribution, however much or little time you have to give..

There is a membership application form on this website. Simply fill it in on your computer, print it off, and post it along with your cheque and SAE to the FRT Membership Secretary (the address is on the form).

We look forward to you joining our ranks very soon!

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İFurness Railway Trust

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